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Security Room

Services We offer ......

Website Penetration Testing

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Security Monitoring

The agency could offer ongoing monitoring of a client's website to detect and respond to any potential security threats in real-time.

Security Training

Our agency offer training to clients on how to secure their websites and protect against cyber threats and also latest Vul out.

Website Security Assessments

This could include automated scans of a website to identify vulnerabilities, as well as manual testing and review by security experts.

Security Consulting

Our agency could offer consulting services to help clients understand their security needs and develop a plan to protect their websites.

Security-focused Website Design and Development

The agency could offer website design and development services with a focus on security, ensuring that websites are built with security best practices in mind from the start.

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Azahadinc @2022
Physical office address: No 11, ipaja lagos Nigeria.
Email us at
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