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IPsweeper Scripts (Bash Script)


An IP sweeper is a tool that can be used to scan a range of IP addresses in order to identify which ones are in use and which ones are available. It is often used by network administrators to identify potential security vulnerabilities or to troubleshoot network issues.

In a Bash script, an IP sweeper might be implemented using a loop that iterates through a range of IP addresses, using the ping command to test each address to see if it is in use. The script could then output a list of the available IP addresses or provide some other kind of notification when an address is in use.

Here is an example of a simple Bash script that could be used to implement an IP sweeper:

# Set the range of IP addresses to scan
# Iterate through the range of IP addresses
for ip in $(seq $start_ip $end_ip); do
# Use the ping command to test the IP address
ping -c 1 $ip > /dev/null 2>&1
# If the ping command returns a success status, output the IP address
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$ip is in use"

This script will iterate through a range of IP addresses, starting at and ending at For each IP address, it will use the ping command to send a single request and see if a response is received. If a response is received, it will output the IP address as being in use

Bash Script Ipsweeper Using Nmap


# Define the range of IP addresses to scan

# Use nmap to scan the range of IPs for live hosts
nmap -sn $range

# Output the results to a file
nmap -sn $range > ip_sweep_results.txt

# Print a message indicating that the scan is complete
echo "IP sweep complete. Results saved to 'ip_sweep_results.txt'"

This script uses the nmap utility to scan the specified range of IP addresses for live hosts. The -sn flag specifies a "ping scan", which sends a ping request to each address to determine if it is active. The script then saves the results of the scan to a file called ip_sweep_results.txt and prints a message indicating that the scan is complete.

You can customize this script by modifying the range of IP addresses to scan and the options passed to nmap. For example, you can use the -p flag to specify a range of port numbers to scan, or the -oN flag to save the results in a specific format.

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